
From the beginning of 2011 power engineers of JSC “MOESK” – Northern Electric Grids drew up 453 acts, noting facts of illegal electric power consumption. In the occurrence of summer period enterprise activates work on determination and elimination of facts of non-agreed and unaccounted electric power consumption.

While increase of average daily air temperature decrease of general indexes of grid output of electric power is typical. But at the same time active holiday season opens, number of inhabitants of Moscow-area villa communities, gardeners’ partnerships grows many times, which means that number of active electric power consumers grows also.

Daily work on suppression of illegal electric power consumption is an important aspect, which allows to provide reliable electric power supply and influences trouble-proof functioning of elements of grid infrastructure, quality of electric power coming to consumers of all levels.

Now electrician liquidates illegal connection to electric grid.
The process is recorded on video.

Technical specialists of Northern Electric Grids point out that recently tendency on decrease of illegal connections of power receivers to elements of grid infrastructure have been outlined. Nevertheless, from the beginning of 2011 274 acts are drawn, noting facts of non-agreed electric power consumption. Illegal consumers of electric power are filed claims for total amount of more than RUR mln 6.5.

There are different figures, reflecting results of work on suppression of unaccounted electric power consumption: 128 acts were drawn already for May of this year due to results of control raids. Totally for the past five months specialists of branch got back to legal turnover of more than 7 mln kWh of unaccountedly consumed electric power.