
In branch of JSC “MOESK” – Central Electric Grids arrangements for introduction on three experimental facilities of “lean production” system are completed. Teaching of skills of optimal distribution of things and more rational and effective use of working place was carried out by company “Kaizen Institute”.

Three facilities of Central Electric Grids: location of repair team of group of substations “Akademicheskaya”, repair and assembly service of substation “Yuzhnaya” and storehouse of Department of Material and Technical Supply were chosen as experimental testing sites for introduction of system “5S” (five main provisions, beginning from “s” – separating, specific places for everything, support of cleanness, standardization, self-discipline).

Process of teaching took four days. At first employees got acquainted with principles and main provisions of methodology “5S”, after that, according to new knowledge, tried to estimate their working places: how convenient they are, what can be done to increase effectiveness of working process. Having shaped plan, power engineers began its realization. Than employees estimated results of their efforts and marked ways of further improvements with the use of system of “red labels”.

Before                                        After

Chief specialist of Department of Quality Management and Operational Effectiveness of JSC “MOESK” Mikhail Lebedev, who helped employees of Central Electric Grids, pointed out: “System “5S” – is not only rules of cleaning, it is an entire philosophy! Properly arranged working place not only allows to save time for organization of work process, but also sets against necessary positive thinking. Order on table – order in head!”

Results of carried out arrangements impressed even strong skeptics! Equipment and instrument, to find which time needed, were now “near at hand”. Location of every thing was marked with label and special markers. Amount of free space increased also. Besides, standards for everything were determined: location of furniture, massive things, fire equipment. Even process of location cleaning was written out and strictly standardized.

“I’d like all services of Central Electric Grids to arm as soon as possible with principles of lean production. I see, that they really help to increase effectiveness of our work”, - Deputy Director on General Issues Nikolay Vaslyaev summed up results of the carried out work.