
Single presentation day of fire safety took place in JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company”. More than 90 people were present on the event – heads of departments of industrial safety and technical audit of all branches of the Company, persons, responsible for fire safety, heads of departments of branches’ substations, as well as heads of districts of electric grids (DEG and DHVEG (District High-Voltage Electric Grids)).

Participants of meeting got acquainted with presentations of engineering solutions and services concerning fire safety, prepared by companies – producers and developers of services in sphere of providing of industrial safety on domestic market. Among them – CJSC “Specialized Scientific and Production Centre “Pozharoboronprom”, “Pozhkhimzaschita”, LLC, Scientific Production Association “Unikhimtek”, Scientific Production Association “Pul’s”, CJSC “Rus’intek”. 
Producers showed modern fire-protection equipment, fire-resistant plates for installation of constant cable passages, the newest fire-fighting means, individual protection means. Also methodological developments on providing of fire safety, services on estimation of conformity assessment of facilities to fire safety requirements, etc. were presented.

607 high-voltage power centres 35/110/220 kV, more than 30,800 distribution centers and transformer substations, electric power transmission lines are in power complex of JSC “MOESK”. “Provision of fire safety of power facilities is one of priority directions of the Company’s technical policy”, - Lyudmila Botalova, Head of Department of Industrial Safety of JSC “MOESK”, said.


In frames of single presentation day not only acquaintance with the newest solutions in the sphere of fire safety, but also active communication of professionals took place.