
Branch of JSC “MOESK” – Central Electric Grids continues realization of arrangements, aimed at environmental protecting.

In frames of industrial ecological control for five months of 2011 workers of Department of Ecology of Central Electric Grids checked 49 electric grid facilities. No serious violations of environmental legislation were determined, and most of defects were eliminated immediately on the spot.

During execution of program of arrangements on protection and rational use of natural resources environmental documentation was worked out, which included norms of pollutant emissions to atmosphere, norms of waste generation and limits on their disposal for the current year. Control of surface flows was executed: 12 analyses form six electric power substations, situated in Moscow area, were selectively taken. Quantitative chemical analysis of water samples from blowing well on “Borisovo” substation was conducted.

In January of 2011 on “Karacharovo” substation (SS) works on acoustic suppression of equipment were completed, what allowed to decrease essentially noise rate, reducing it practically to zero level in adjusting inhabited area. The same arrangements on installation of acoustic suppressing screens were carried out on “Cherkizovo” substation.

Head of Department of Ecology of Central Electric Grids Irina Serkina pointed out: “Industrial ecological control on all facilities of Central Electric Grids is regularly carried out, places for waste disposal are equipped. More than RUR mln 5.5 are allocated for realization of Ecological Program of branch for 2011”.