
Target program “Increase of traffic safety of JSC “MOESK” in 2011-2012” is approved in Moscow United Electric Grid Company. Order on putting of program into operation is signed by Director General Andrey Konovalov.

Main goal of complex of measures is to reduce number of traffic accidents, decrease of injury severity level of the injured. During realization of program it is supposed to improve systems of activity management in sphere of providing of traffic safety, increase professional level of personnel, operating motor transport and special machines. Till 2012 complex system on influencing of traffic safety issues will be created and plans on introduction of innovation technologies on transport, increasing level of traffic safety, will be realized.

During realization of program special attention will be paid to target use of motor transport, pre-trip medical check-ups of drivers and their professional training. Also position of Engineer of Traffic Safety will be introduced in staff schedule of motor transport departments.