
On June, 20th 2011 in City of Moscow Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of JSC “MOESK” took place. Owners of 44,590,347,203 ordinary shares of the Company, what is 91.55% of voting shares, took part in its work. During Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of JSC “MOESK” decisions on all agenda issues were taken.


On the 1st issue shareholders approved Annual Report for 2010.

On the 2nd issue shareholders approved Annual Accounting Reporting for 2010, including Profit and Loss Statement of the Company.

On the 3rd issue distribution of profit/loss due to results of 2010 is approved. Net profit, amounted due to results of the last year to RUR ths. 15,621,525, was distributed in the following way: to reserve fund (RUR ths. 91,239), for development (RUR ths. 14,330,286) and for payment of dividends (RUR ths. 1,200,000). Herewith, there was taken decision on dividend payment on ordinary shares of JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” due to results of 2010 in amount of RUR 0.0246371 per one ordinary share of the Company in money terms during 60 days from the moment of decision-taking on their payment.


On the 4th issue to Board of Directors were elected:
1. Schvets Nikolay Nikolaevich – Chairman of Management Board, Director General of IDGC Holding, OJSC.
2. Golubev Pavel Vladilenovich – Head of Department of Organization of Operation and Maintenance Repairs and Operating of IDGC Holding, OJSC.
3. Popov Aleksandr Al’bertovich – Deputy Director General – Head of Administration of IDGC Holding, OJSC.
4. Nuzhdov Aleksey Viktorovich – Deputy Director General for Safety of Closed Joint Stock Company “Leader” (Asset management company of pension fund).
5. Gur’yanov Denis L’vovich – Head of Department of Corporate Governance and Co-Operation with Shareholders of IDGC Holding, OJSC.
6. Bol’shakov Dmitry Aleksandrovich – Deputy Chairman of Government of Moscow Region.
7. Yurchuk Sergey Evgen’yevich – Director of Finances of IDGC Holding, OJSC.
8. Skribot Volfgang – Managing Director, Head of Department of Electric Power Industry and Infrastructural Projects of Department of Direct Investments of Gazprombank (JSC).
9. Grischenko Sergey Valentinovich – Deputy Head of Department of Direct Investments of Gazprombank (JSC).
10. Gavrilenko Anatoly Anatol’yevich – Director General of Closed Joint Stock Company “Leader” (Asset management company of pension fund).
11. Kerber Sergey Mikhajlovich – Head of Direction of Investment Projects and Programs – Managing Director of Closed Joint Stock Company “Leader” (Asset management company of pension fund).
12. Tikhonova Maria Gennad’yevna – Director of Department of Economic Regulation and Property Relations in Fuel and Energy Complex of Ministry of Energy of Russia.
13. Sklyarov Evgeny Viktorovich – Head of Department of Fuel and Energy Sector of City of Moscow.


On the 5th issue Audit Commission is elected with the following members:
1. Alimuradova Izumrud Aligadzhievna – Director of Internal Audit and Risk Management (Head of Department of Internal Audit and Risk Management) of IDGC Holding, OJSC.
2. Arkhipov Vladimir Nikolaevich – Head of Department of Security of IDGC Holding, OJSC.
3. Meshalova Galina Ivanovna – Chief Expert of Department of Internal Audit, Auditory Revisions and Expert Examinations of Department of Internal Audit and Risk Management of IDGC Holding, OJSC.
4. Kormushkina Lyudmila Dmitrievna – Head of Department of Internal Audit, Auditory Revisions and Expert Examinations of Department of Internal Audit and Risk Management of IDGC Holding, OJSC.
5. Komarov Valentin Mikhajlovich – Deputy Head of Department of Prospective Development and Technological Connection – Head of Department of Technological Connection of IDGC Holding, OJSC.


On the 6th issue shareholders approved Limited Liability Company “FinEkspertiza” as Auditor of the Company.

On the 7th issue decision to approve redrafted Charter of the Company was taken.

On the 8th issue decision to approve redrafted Provision on Procedure of Preparation and Holding of General Meeting of Shareholders of JSC “MOESK” was taken.


On the 9th issue decision to approve redrafted Provision on Procedure of Convening and Holding of Meetings of Board of Directors of JSC “MOESK” was taken.

On the 10th issue decision to approve redrafted Provision on Management Board of JSC “MOESK” was taken.

On the 11th issue decision on payment of remuneration for work in the Company’s Board of Directors to members of Board of Directors – non-state workers in amount, stipulated by internal documents of the Company, was taken.