
On June, 20th in Mozhajsk, on the basis of substation “Makarovo” of branch of JSC “MOESK” – Western Electric Grids solemn opening ceremony of technological (practical) stages of competitions of operation and maintenance personnel of distribution grids of JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” took place.


During passing of technological stages by teams, which will prolong till June, 23rd, judges determine level of professional knowledge and practical skills of teams from Northern, Eastern, Southern and Western Electric Grids, as well as Moscow Cable Grids. For title of the best in profession 180 power engineers of City of Moscow and Moscow Region fight.


- Holding of competitions of professional skills became good tradition in the Company. They are effective form of education, and also serve as site for experience exchange, what in the end provides increase of work reliability of power system of Moscow Region, - Deputy Director General of JSC “MOESK” – Technical Director Anatoly Chegodaev, pointed out, while opening the ceremony.

Anatoly Vasil’yevich wished all teams to show fully their professional skills, courage and persistence.


Also participants of competitions were greeted by Chairman of Organization Committee – Deputy Director General for Personnel Management Nadezhda Krenyova. She said, that during competitions teams would fight for possession of top prize – challenge cup of complex competitions of personnel of distribution grids. Nadezhda Anatol’yevna pointed out, that moment of event opening was preceded by long trainings of teams, hard work of chief judge commission and organization committee, Western Electric Grids, which prepared new testing ground for competitions in time.


Opening statement to teams was made also by Deputy of Moscow Region Duma Aleksey Zvyagin. He thanked work of personnel of JSC “MOESK” during elimination of weather abnormalities of the last year. Aleksey Georgievich pointed out, that holding of competitions of professional skills increases work quality of power engineers, and also serves as collateral of immediate elimination of consequences of emergency situations and providing of reliable electric power supply of consumers.


After solemn ceremony teams proceeded with passing through practical stages, among which were “Suppression of fire in package kiosk-type transformer substation-10/0.4 kV (kiosk-type)”, “Replacement of arc extinguish chamber of one pole of self-generated circuit-breaker of load”, “Restoration of damaged section of self-supporting insulated wire SIW-2 in one span on overhead electric power transmission line with isolation 0.4 kV”, etc. In spite of severe weather conditions, when gusty wind was changed by pouring rain, power engineers showed persistence, insistence and will to win. Due to results of performance on the first day of practical stage team No. 2 of Eastern Electric Grids became a leader, having gathered 744.96 points, the second place was taken by team No. 1 of the same branch (639.14 points), the third place was taken by team No. 1 of Western Electric Grids (453.99 points).