
Branch of JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” - Southern Electric Networks - continues work on the reconstruction of 110 kV substation “Shchapovo” in the south of Moscow region, begun in 2010.

Today during the first phase of reconstruction the replacement of two 10 MVA transformers by 25 MVA is implemented, as a result the total capacity of feeding center will increase by 30 MVA. Oil receivers under T-1 and T-2 are reconstructed, and in the course of modernization of the substation, four line cells are installed for two new 10 kV feeders and two ground-fault neutralizers at 10 kV per each section, 10 and 110 kV bus arrangement is made.


According to the plan the building of general substation operation center is expanded - the rooms of module type, in which connection room will be placed, accumulator battery, direct-current board, of management and personal needs.


During the second phase of substation reconstruction works on modernization of 110 kV outdoor switchgear will be completed and replacement of current transformers in linear cells of existing 10 kV indoor switchgear. In addition, the replacement of 110 kV current and voltage transformers is provided, as well as existing isolating switch and 110 kV oil circuit breakers on SF 6 circuit breakers.


Reconstruction of substation “Shchapovo” will allow to establish a power reserve for connecting of new customers, as well as improving of the quality and reliability of power supply to Podol’sky district in Moscow region.