
JSC “MOESK” has intensified the efforts on the quality improvement of the customers servicing. The program realization of the technological connection optimization of the consumers to the company’s electric grids is among the top-priority trends of this activity, defined by Acting Director General of JSC “MOESK” Pyotr Sinyutin. 

portal.jpgFor this goal MOESK has created a special working group, which analyzed the technological connection procedure which had existed in the Company and made offers as to its change. In the nearest future the offers will be realized in the Company’s work. 

To make all the realized changes comprehensible and intelligible for the consumers, the NEW PORTAL on the technological connection of MOESK has been elaborated and placed. 

All the key stages of the technological connection are represented on the portal, a bit by bit instruction for the consumers is given – from an application filing to the voltage supply to a facility, the addresses of the customer offices are stated, feedback forms are stipulated. One can check a status of an application filed via the portal, and also read answers to the questions, asked most frequently by the consumers. The actual legal framework for the technological connection to the electric grids is placed on the networked resource, the standard forms of the applications, contracts and other documents are represented. 

Also in the framework of the program, the Company has changed an approach to the applications taking for technological connection – now one can file an application to any CUSTOMER OFFICE of the company, regardless of location of a facility connected. For example, even if a connected facility is in Moscow region, an application can be filed in a customer support center of MOESK, situated in Moscow. 

The program for the quality improvement of the customers support presupposes a whole series of the arrangements, which will promote to the accessibility increase of the technological connection procedure. The Company will inform timely its customers of all the changes.