
To increase the information transparency of the company, the heads of four branches of JSC “MOESK”, providing power supply of Moscow region (Northern electric grids, Southern electric grids, Western grids, Eastern grids), held meetings with the heads of the municipal formations of Moscow region as to the perspective cooperation issues. 

The most topical issues were discussed in the course of the constructive dialogues: quality and reliability of power supply, a preparation to passing the autumn and winter period of 2012 – 2013, the technological connection of consumers. 

The principal perspectives of the regions’ territorial development of the capital zone, the modernization issues of the electric grid infrastructure were also considered at the meetings with the representatives of the municipal authorities. 

The parties specified the relevance of the having taken place direct dialogues of the authorities and power engineers and the mutual concernment in a necessity to continue the joint work. By the meetings’ results the decisions were taken on creation of the coordination (expert) boards, working committees, which will implement the operational coordination and realize the plans of the organizational and technical arrangements on development of each region. They worked out measures which will help to achieve the common goal – to provide the good quality and reliable power supply of the Moscow Region’s consumers.