
The largest in Russia electric grid company – JSC “MOESK” is continuing the renovation of one of the key facilities of the Southern Administrative District of Moscow – substation (SS) 220/110/10 kV “Chertanovo”. 

The works held are planned for 8 years - from 2006 to 2014 year, and presently the main stages of reconstruction are being implemented; the reconstruction will increase reliability of power supply of the residential quarters and city infrastructure of SAD. Among the facilities, fed from SS “Chertanovo”, there is a trade center “Prazhsky”, horse sports complex “Bitsa”, brew-house “Moscow Efes”, warehouse complex “Biryulevo” and complex of production, storage and wholesale trade “Novye Cheremushki”. 

The power engineers of the Central electric grids of JSC “MOESK” implement a substitute of outdoor switchgears, installing the modern gas-insulated factory-assembled switch-gears (FASG) 110 and 220 kV, produced by Swiss company ABB. 

In a new building of FASG a relay cabinet is placed, complete with the device panels of the relay protection and automatic equipment on basis of the micro technology. The modern automated control systems are connected for the operational management and control over the substation’s energy equipment. 

In 2012 they substituted 2 regulating transformers of 10 kV with the capacity of 40 MVA by the transformers - 63 MVA. The new reactors and 10 kV vacuum circuit breakers in the chains of the regulating transformers are installed for autotransformer AT-1. Presently the works are held on the installation of the new line disconnectors with the motor drives on the crossing points of 220 kV to actuate the existing overhead lines in 220 kV FASG by the cable jumpers. 

2 transformers of 220/20 kV produced by Zaporozhsky transformer plant and a new 20 kV indoor switchgear will be installed at the substation in the long view, which will make it possible to increase the total capacity of the substation to 826 MVA. 

The cost of all the construction and installation works will amount to over RUR 4 bln. 

In the opinion of Deputy Director General – Director of the Central Electric Grids Roman Voynov, “the completion of all the reconstruction works, installation of the gas-insulated equipment and the modern teleautomatics will make it possible to decrease a probability of the equipment overload and will give an opportunity to connect additionally the electric power consumers southwards the capital, where the intensive housing and infrastructure construction is taking place”.