
Chairman of the Government of Moscow region has held a working meeting with acting Director General of JSC “MOESK” Pyotr Sinyutin. They discussed the issues of the strategic cooperation, a preparation to the autumn and winter period and the customer service of the electric grid organization.

In the course of the meeting, a preparation procedure of JSC “MOESK” to winter was approved on part of the Moscow region government. Head of Moscow United Electric Grid Company Pyotr Sinyutin reported on the company’s arrangements to the autumn and winter peak load. In particular, on clearance of the forest corridors of PTL and placement of the mobile substations in the Moscow region’s territory in the event of emergencies. They promised to the Government, that the terms for beginning for power supply restoration must not exceed two hours under an emergency.

Pyotr Sinyutin informed also the Chairperson of the Government of the region on the system improvement of the customer support in the issues of connection to the electric grids, having represented program “Five steps for three visits”. Presently a pilot project is launched in Moscow United Electric Grid Company; the main goal of this project is a reduction of number of the face-to-face contacts and a procedure simplification of the documents receipt necessary for the technological connection. It’s an essential support for business. After the results analysis of a test period, the new system will be introduced in the entire territory of Moscow region.

Special attention at the meeting was paid to the investment program fulfillment in Moscow region – subject to the target programs on the construction development in Moscow region. The issues of lands allocation for the new facilities construction are put to a special control; these issues will be considered by a special inter-departmental commission. The total investment program of JSC “MOESK” in Moscow region amounts to over RUR 13 bln. for 2012 year, and counts to over 4 ths. facilities. By the power engineers’ forecasts, the investment program fulfillment will amount to 102% by the year’s results.