
In the frames of established cooperation with administrations of municipal entities of Moscow Region and realization of long-term program of JSC “MOESK” on prevention of children’s electric injuries power engineers of Eastern Electric Grids carried out again open lessons “Kind electricity – to children!”.

130 pupils of 1-9 forms of secondary school of general education of Litvinovo village (totally 160 children study at school) participated in the lessons. Most of them – approximately one hundred children – are pupils of elementary school, id est from the first to the fourth forms. Chief specialist of Department of labour protection of Eastern Electric Grids Ervin Gertz prepared interesting information for them about “kind” and “evil” electricity, preventive protection measures while being near power facilities and rules of conduct while use of electric devices. Children reinforced all that they heard with pleasure during watching of cartoon and the following participation in computer game, created on the initiative of IDGC Holding.

The lesson was made in another way for the pupils of secondary school. It was also held in interactive form with the use of different descriptive materials and consisted of two parts. In the first, theoretical part, children under guidance of Ervin Dmitrievich remembered about what danger electric current has and measures of safe handling with it. In the second, practical part, pupils with the help of special manikin were shown how to render first aid to the suffered from heart arrest as a result of electric current injury. After that children trained to render resuscitation help on manikin.

In the end of the lessons pupils were traditionally gifted with topical souvenir production from JSC “MOESK”.

“We are very grateful to specialists of Eastern Electric Grids for electric safety lesson, - Deputy Director for security of school Marina Filippova said at parting. – With the help of power engineers pupils got information on electric injury prevention, so to say, from the first hand. It is very important for children, because information, received from professionals, is memorized better, disciplines and helps not to lose head at the right time”.