
Blag_Psm.JPGParalympic sportsmen thank power engineers of JSC “MOESK”. Interregional sport public organization of the disabled “Vector” thanks personnel of JSC “MOESK” for the rendered help in acquisition of equipment, inventory and kit for disabled sportsmen.

Traditionally JSC “MOESK” pays great attention to charity. “Your support and help make people’s life brighter and happier. Thanks to this support disabled sportsmen get opportunity to be valid citizens of our society. With all our heart we wish You and all personnel of MOESK many years of fruitful and action-packed life, health, courage and inexhaustible energy. Let the luck accompany you always and everywhere, and true friends will support in life!”, - is said in the text of the letter of gratitude, which came to the address of Acting Director General of JSC “MOESK” Petr Alekseevich Sinyutin.

Paralympic movement – is a form of active rehabilitation of the disabled, recognized in the whole world, having strong state, public and business support in many countries, what as a result allows to bring to active life hundreds of thousands of people. All over the world people, engaged in support of paralympic movement, have deserved authority with citizens of their countries.