
Director of branch of JSC “MOESK” – “Eastern Electric Grids” Andrey Vologin and head of Yegor’yevsky distribution zone (DZ) Valeriy Glazov took part in a business meeting with regard to the issues of the Fuel and Energy Complex in the administration of Yegor’yevsky municipal region. Minister of Energy of Moscow Region M. Kruchinin, Chairperson of the Fuel and Energy Committee of the region Ts. Tsagadaev, head of the region M. Lavrov, representatives of the organizations of the FEC of the region took part in the meeting.

A. Vologin gave a report on the standing of the energy grid economy of Yegor’evsky distribution zone. He told in detail on the nearest development perspective of the regional electric-power industry, on the reconstruction of the distribution grids, 110 kV substations (SS) “Berezhki”, “Dvoyni”, “Sirena” planned for the years to come. The report specified especially, that SS “Sirena” will be transferred from the voltage of 110 kV to 220 kV, which will enlarge essentially its possibilities and will improve the power supply of the entire Yegor’evsky region.

Head of EEG emphasized, that the given energy facilities reconstruction is carried out according to the perspective plan of development of the Moscow Region. In particular, the investors who are already carrying out pre-project works at two venues of Egor’yevsky region, shall become the subscribers of SS “Sirena”; afterwards here will take place a construction and new work places will be created.

Head of Egor’yevsky municipal district Mikhail Lavrov specified a significant improvement of the power supply quality of consumers, a close contact of the EEG power engineers with the administration when solving the issues, associated with the region’s infrastructure development.

After the discussion of a wide range of the issues, the meeting’s participants visited the facilities of Egor’yevsky DZ, where they familiarized with the work of the operational dispatch management and the occupational safety cabinet.

Similar meeting took place earlier in the administration of Pavlovo-Posadsky municipal district. The following people took part in it: Deputy Chairperson of the Moscow Region Government D. Pestov, Minister of Energy of Moscow Region M. Kruchinin, Acting Head of Pavlovo-Posadsky municipal district O. Sokovikov, Director of the Eastern Electric Grids A. Vologin, head of Pavlovo-Posadsky DZ (distribution zone) V. Kharitonov.

Such meetings make it possible to coordinate closer the power engineers’ efforts of MOESK and the administrations of the municipal formations to solve the perspective development objectives of the Moscow Region.