
First results of the work are got in the branches of Moscow United Electric Grid Company after that fact, that the customer offices (their number is more than thirty), transferred since 29.11.2012 to the everyday acceptance of the grid connection applications to the grids of JSC “MOESK”. Thanks to the new schedule of the work of the customer offices, significantly more applications for the grid connection were accepted from the consumers.

On the whole over 46,5 ths. applications for the grid connection of power receivers with the total capacity of about 7,3 ths Megawatt were accepted by all the customer offices of JSC “MOESK” within 2012. 36 ths. grid connection contracts with the total capacity of 2,4 ths Megawatt were also concluded last year.

In branch of JSC “MOESK” Southern Electric Grids in December of 2012, the Customer Service Centers of the Southern Electric Grids accepted 2,788 applications for the grid connection, the agreement and confirmation of the capacity approved earlier. As compared to the same period of the last year (1,067 applications) this figure has increased by 2,6 times.

Customer Service Centers of branch Northern Electric Grids in December of 2012 got 2,680 applications (addresses), including 1,284 addresses and 1,396 applications for the grid connection. For comparison: in December of 2011, 1,437 applications (addresses) were registered, including 896 addresses and 541 applications for the grid connection.

The same dynamics is traced also in other branches of the Company. Besides that, in branch Eastern Electric Grids the work productivity has grown due to an enlarged office opening in 2012, on basis of a branch in Noginsk city, and also due to a significant renewal and improvement of the work in Kolomna city.

In 2012 the Western Electric Grids made a cosmetic repair, expanded a waiting area for the visitors in certain Customer offices, and windows for the applications filing were isolated partially against ambient noise. In Volokolamsk operational zone, which includes Volokolamsk, Lotoshino and Shakhovsky districts, the take-a-number-system has been put into service. The system makes it possible for the specialists to maintain the united queueing system of the service consumers, to receive the applicants in a quiet and positive atmosphere.

Joint efforts of the Company’s Executive Board and employees of the unit for the development and sales of the branches’ services, undertaken in order to improve subsequently the work quality with the customers, have given the positive results. In spite of the achieved indicators, the collective is continuing to improve the forms and methods of the work with the customers, uses reserves to increase the servicing quality, studies possibilities and development perspectives of this trend of activities.
For convenience of the service consumers on the grid connection to the networks of JSC “MOESK”, a new work schedule has been approved in the customer offices of the Moscow Region. To provide a continuous functioning of the offices of face-to-face servicing of the customers, from 29.11.2012 all the offices of the application receipt for the grid connection in the territory of the Moscow Region, have been worked from Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 17:00. The information about it is placed at the website of JSC “MOESK”, internet-portals of the administrative districts of Moscow Region and in the regional mass media.