
Such data have been represented by the Company’s customer unit. A consumption growth of the energy capacity is tied with the total increase of the energy consumption in the Moscow energy system.

So, in December of the last year a historical maximum of the energy consumption was fixed, which had amounted in a regime day of 2012 – 17,608 Megawatt, which was by 2243 Megawatt more than the maximum of 2011.

Total reserve of the capacity for Moscow city’s consumers subject to the concluded grid connection contracts amounted to 966 Megawatt. For comparison, the total reserve of the capacity in 2011 amounted to 1,109 Megawatt.

In 2011 the value of the total reserve amounted to 1,422 Megawatt for the Moscow Region’s consumers. Following the measurement’s results of 2012, the settlements are being made, the information whereon will be published for the common use at the website of JSC “MOESK” till 28.02.2013.