
Partnership of the power engineers and business in providing the large investment projects with the electric grid infrastructure was dwelt upon in the course of a round-table discussion, which had taken place on the 22nd of January in Moscow, at the initiative of Moscow United Electric Grid Company.

During the round-table discussion, which was headed by Andrey Murov, the executive director of IDGC Holding, OJSC, a concept was formed for the cooperation of JSC “MOESK” and large constructors, regarding the technological connection issues to the Company’s electric grids.

The following people took part in the arrangement: head of JSC “MOESK” Pyotr Sinyutin and top managers of the Company, as well as the representatives of the Russian Union of Constructors, All-Russian social organization of the small and medium enterprise “Opora Rossii” and the largest developer’s companies, such as CJSC “National Developer’s Company”, State Corporation “Morton”, “PSF Krost”, LLC, JSC “Gals-Development”, CJSC “Inteko”, “Capital Group”, LLC, CJSC “Don-Stroy Invest”, “Barkli”, LLC.

While opening the discussion, head of JSC “MOESK” Pyotr Sinyutin emphasized, that the new standards for technological connection to the electric grids and the payment calculation for the technological connection, have been introduced in the Company, with which Deputy Director General for development and sales of the services Stanislav Khatskevich acquainted in detail the audience.

Director for the grid perspective development Alexander Pyatigor told on the existing reserves of the transformer capacities on MOESK’s feeding centers, as well as on a work carried out on the perspective planning of the Company’s electric grids development in Moscow region.

JSC “MOESK” offered the round-table discussion’s participants to consider a cooperation concept, tied with the electric grids construction, directly to the capital construction facilities, located in the constructors’ sites. With this goal, the round-table discussion’s participants considered it to be appropriate for transparency of a technological connection procedure to conclude a cooperation agreement prior to a technological connection contract signing.

Mutual responsibility, mutual obligations – are namely the necessary cooperation conditions, – the round-table discussion’s participants arrived at such opinion. By offer of executive director of IDGC Holding, OJSC Andrey Murov, a resolution was passed to hold regularly such meetings – not less than twice a year.