
metro_n.pngBranch of JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” – Moscow Cable Grids (MCG) has provided a new area of Zamoskvoretsk subway line of with electric power. Station “Alma-Atinskaya” will become a new station in the southern radius of Zamoskvoretsk subway line. It’s located near a housing estate in Brateevo, between Klyuchevaya and Brateevskaya streets.

Power engineers of MCG have provided laying out of four cable lines from the feeding centers to transition joints of the subway line’s trunks. Works on laying out of a route were complicated by a necessity of a crossing organization through the Moscow river. Thus, with the help of the modern means for a cable laying, this technical task was solved successfully. All the works have been carried out according to a schedule of the works production, within the shortest periods of time and fulfilled to the fullest extent. A technical supervision was made by the specialists of the Cable Grid Management of the Southern District of MCG.

Station opening and setting in operation of a new area – is an important event for the Southern district. Moscow subway line creates the additional conveniences for the inhabitants and visitors of the capital city, and the power engineers of Moscow Cable Grids provide power supply of the station and line of the subway – the most necessary element of the infrastructure.