
December 10 of this year, High-Voltage Cable Grids – a branch of JSC “MOESK” hosted the Third Youth Forum, which brought together about a hundred of young professionals of the Company, students and graduates of the Institute of Electric Power Industry FSBEI HPE SRU MPEI (Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Scientific and Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute”), industry veterans. 


Trips to the facilities of JSC “MOESK”, strategic session, official ceremony of transition to the state of being an energy specialist, as well as briefing with the management of the Company’s HR management unit were held within the framework of the event. 

Andrey Puchkov, head of the central operational and technological administration held an excursion tour in the grid control center of JSC “MOESK”, told about the work of a dispatcher. Then young specialists of the company and MPEU students visited the substation “Elokhovskaya”. 

275.jpg“Let’s give the energy of young people to the energy sector of the future” – that was the name of the strategic session where participants discussed the issues of the youth and social policy of JSC “MOESK” and IDGC Holding, technical, and information policy. Address by Denis Tsypulev, Deputy Director for IT, innovation and operational efficiency was of special interest for the attending people. It was dedicated to the innovation development of the Company. 

In the afternoon, speeches for the forum participants were delivered by Vladimir Kuzhilin, director of the organizational design and human resources department; Kirill Gusarov, chairman of the Joint Youth Council of JSC “MOESK”; Oleg Kuznetsov, director of the Institute of Electric Power Industry Institute FSBEI HPO SRU MPEI; leading managers of JSC “MOESK”. During the briefing, the young specialists could ask questions to the leaders of the HR management unit of JSC “MOESK”. Most of all young people took interest in the prospect for advancement, social benefits package, incentive programs, organization of exchange in experience with other branches and energy industry enterprises. 

Then industry veterans took the floor. Traditions of a talk between the younger generation and veterans were laid in 2010, at the First Youth Forum. Yuri Vavilov, Chairman of the Coordinating Council of Veterans of War and Labor of JSC “MOESK”, who has experience of working in the industry for over 50 years, spoke about the history of Mosenergo and emphasized the fact that JSC “MOESK” is a successor of Mosenergo, and it kept all the traditions and experience of many generations of the Moscow energy specialists. 

“The profession of an energy specialist is a special profession, because a person works for other people ... Responsibility is the main character trait which is typical of the energy sector,” Yuri said. “You, young power engineers, are going to write the present and future history of the Moscow Region’s electric grid complex”. 

Other veterans together with Yuri Nikolayevich came to visit the youth. Valentin Bodyakin, distinguished power engineer of the Unified Energy System of Russia, who worked for the benefit of the Moscow Region for 45 years. Yuri Ivanov, honored power engineer of the Moscow Cable Grids worked for 27 years with MCG, and 37 years in the energy sector. Mikhail Filippov, honored worker of the RF Energy Industry Ministry, distinguished power engineer of UES of Russia, devoted a half of the century to the energy sector. Vladimir Grishin has the same experience in the industry. He is a deserved power engineer of UES of Russia, hereditary power specialist, in the past - chief engineer of TPP-8 Mosenergo. 

The energy sector veterans solemnly introduced young specialists into the profession, accepted their oath of an energy specialist. 

274.jpgTen young employees of the company received corporate awards for achievements in the enterprise, pro-active approach to life and social activities, responsible and conscientious attitude to work. 

According to Evgeny Seregin, Chairman of the Council of Youth of the High-Voltage Cable Grids – a branch of JSC “MOESK”, “The meeting of two generations of the energy sector is always a memorable event. Continuity is vital for our work. And the opportunity to talk with the agemates from other branches of the Company is also a strong motivation for active production activities, for participation in competitions and other events of MOESK.”