
On the 21st - 22nd of November of 2012 within the framework of the II Conference of ecologists of Russia, JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” took part in the annual All-Russian competition “Leader of environment-related activity”, organized under the auspices of the RF State Duma, the RF Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, environmentally friendly agencies of Moscow and Moscow region, scientific Institutes of the RF Academy of Sciences.

One of the main trends of the conference’s work was studying of the organizations’ experience in solving the issues, tied with the environment protection and ecological safety provision. The organizational committee specified the Company’s successes in the problems solution of the natural resources preserving and a negative impact reduction on the environment.

By the results of a held competition “Leader of environment-related activity” the jury awarded JSC “MOESK” with a diploma of the competition winner and with a Medal of Honour “For ecological safety” for the arrangements fulfillment as to the negative impact reduction on the environment and for holding of action “Let us preserve energy of forest!” in the course of which about 50 thousand trees were planted in Moscow region by efforts of the Company’s employees.