
Andrey Vologin, Director of the Eastern Electric Grids – the branch of JSC “MOESK”, and Igor Shchedrin, Chief of the Orekhovo-Zuevo EGD (Electric Grid District) took part in the workshop on 04.04.2013 on the prospects of fuel and energy facilities of the Orekhovo-Zuyevo district.

The meeting held in the administration of the Orekhovo-Zuyevo Municipal District hosted M.A. Kruchinin, minister of the Energy Sector of the Moscow Area; C.D. Tsagadaev, Chairman of the Fuel and Energy Committee; A.P. Filippov, head of the district; O.V. Aparin, head of the Orekhovo-Zuevo district; representatives of the fuel and energy complex enterprises of the district.

The meeting discussed ways of further improvement of the fuel and energy facilities in the Orekhovo-Zuyevo district, which is among the ten energy-intensive districts of the Moscow Area. A.V. Vologin delivered the report on the state of the energy grid economy of the Orekhovo-Zuyevo EGD at the meeting.

Andrey Victorovich introduced the work of the grid enterprise in the district territory and noted that the “ice” rain, which affected the territory of the Orekhovo-Zuyevo district as well, was followed by a large amount of work to expand the corridors: including small amounts of work (32 hectares) at lines of 6-10 kV in voltage are to be performed; work to expand routes and at the lines of 35-220 kV will be fully completed in 2013.

Speaking about the problems of electricity quality, A.V. Vologin noted that in 2012, energy specialists completed reconstruction of overhead lines of 0.4 kV with installation of package transformer substations in the residential settlements Dorohovo, Sobolevo, Velino. According to the grid connections program, 26 new transformed substations were installed with the total capacity of 3,715 kVA.

This year the work of electricity quality improvement will continue. According to the approved program of JSC “MOESK”, in 2013 the eastern branch envisages tripling of capital investment in distribution grids. This includes allocation of more than RUR 145 mn for replacement of 163 km of lines of 0.4-6/10 kV in voltage. Much of these funds will be assigned to upgrade grids of the Orekhovo-Zuyevo EGD, where 20 residential settlements of the district plan to replace bare wires by SSIW (self-supporting insulated wire) with increased section, disaggregate feeders and install additional package transformer substations. These include settlements Zaponor’e, Radovanie, Dubrovo, Malinovo, Fedotovo, Korovino, Bogorodskoe, etc. The main part of the works shall be completed this year, and completely - in 2014. Repairs of problematic feeders are scheduled for the current year, including in the settlements Antsiferovo where the feeder will be translated from the voltage of 6 kV to 10 kV. After completion of the heating season, repairs of all problematic feeders will continue in full.

Besides, to improve reliability of power supply of subscribers in the Orekhovo-Zuyevo EGD, it is planned to replace 67 km of bare wire by wire of brand SSIW-3 in the 6-10 kV grids. As well as overhaul is planned at 70 km of overhead lines OL 6-10 kV, more than 58 km of OL 0.4 kV, 37 transformers, two complete distributions devices of external installation (CDDEI) and three 35-110 kV substations. The entire scope of work is expected to be performed using own resources.

According to Andrey Victorovich, energy specialists expect that performance of the planned volume of works on large-scale reconstruction of distribution grids of the Orekhovo-Zuyevo EGD will not only significantly improve quality of power supply of the district, but also create a solid foundation for its future development.

It should be noted that all of the speakers, including the heads of the district and city district, representatives of “Mosenergosbyt” noted constructive cooperation with JSC “MOESK” in terms of addressing issues related to development of the district infrastructure achieved to date. After a wide range of issues discussed, district energy facilities were visited.

Respective decisions were taken based on the results of the meeting, and, in particular, the leadership of the eastern branch of JSC “MOESK” was instructed with sending to the district head a letter specifying the residential districts where works are planned to improve quality of power supply, and timing of their implementation. This information should be communicated to the people through the media.
The energy minister also informed the meeting that he was appointed case manager of the Orekhovo-Zuyevo district.