
The branch of JSC “MOESK” – “Moscow Cable Grids” is involved in a big city program to provide the center of the capital within the Boulvarnoye Koltso with automated payment terminals (parkomats) and information boards. The specialists of energy companies have to work hard when issuing technical specifications for each connection point, despite the low maximum power (150 to 600 W) of a single unit of such equipment. The total capacity in the range of 200 kW will be needed to implement the program within the Boulvarnoye Koltso.

"As is known, organization of paid parking will contribute to the fight against traffic jams. Energy specialists of the Moscow Cable Grids successfully address the issue of electricity parking in the center of the capital,” Leonid Mazo, director of MCG said. To date, specifications for 212 points of connection have been promptly issued. We understand the social significance of the work held by the Moscow Government and address the et goals quickly.”

Energy specialists of MCG take a comprehensive approach energy supply for parkomats and display boards. They decide issues of safe and uninterrupted power supply parking places. However, given the location of facilities in the historic center of the country, they have to look for such engineering solutions which will preserve the architectural appearance and will not disturb the aesthetic perception of the environment.

Let us remind that the experiment of parkomats equipping began after the authorities of the capital decided to charge payment for parking in 21 streets in the central Moscow on 01.11.2012. They were limited by Sadovoye Koltso, Bolshaya and Malaya Dmitrovka, Neglinnaya Street, Tsvetnoy Boulevard. More than 500 parking spaces were implemented in CAD (central administrative district), 10 parkomats and 520 sensors of vacant places fixation were installed. This project was pilot. Back in December 2012, Moscow authorities acknowledged the experiment a success. Now the Moscow Government intends to make all parking inside of the Boulvarnoye Koltso paid before to 1 May 2013. Parking inside Sadovoye Koltso will be fully paid by the end of 2013.