
Moscow United Electric Grid Company continues reduction of commercial losses of electric power. Recently branch of JSC “MOESK” – Western Electric Grids together with law enforcement authorities and representatives of mass media carried out inspection on detection of dishonest consumers on the territory of Istra district.


Today Istra district is recognized as one the fastest developing districts of Moscow region. It is here where the largest number of modern industrial enterprises is situated, housing construction is being actively developed.

Special attention of the arrangement’s participants was attracted to the construction of a five-storey storehouse in Vosokovo village. This object is not recorded in data base of electric power transport (EPT) administration of Western Electric Grids. It means that construction of shopping complex building is carried out by the way of unauthorized connection to electric grids. As the evidence proving the fact of power theft power engineers found cable outlet to the nearest tower. Owner of the shop, who was called to the place, could not explain the situation, that is why he refused to comment this. Employees of Istra district of the branch’s electric power transport drew up a corresponding statement regarding the fact of electric power theft for the consumption of 440 ths. kWh. The entrepreneur will have to pay approximately RUR mln 1.5. After this field service team (FST) of Istra District of Electric Grids (DEG) carried out deinstallation of unauthorized cable.

For the last years Western Electric Grids increased the output transformer capacity approximately for 400 MVA for the consumers of Istra district. However such unauthorized connections to the grids constitute a danger not for the executor himself but for the lives of his relatives, neighbors, and can also cause fire and lead to tragedy. Besides, electric power thefts – inflict significant damage, are a serious problem in provision of legal consumers with reliable electric power supply – Zhanna Konstantinova, Head of Istra district of Western division of the branch’s EPT, pointed out in her interview to journalists.

We remind You that unauthorized connection to power grids, oil pipes, oil products pipes and gas pipes, and also unauthorized (unmetered) use of electric, thermal power, oil, gas or oil products lead to criminal responsibility according to article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Theft” or according to article 165 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Property damage infliction”.

The performed arrangements on detection of unauthorized consumption are supported by public awareness campaign “Honest kilowatt”, conducted by JSC “MOESK” and which is approved by the Governor of Moscow region.