
The clients of JSC “MOESK” now can use SMS-notification and e-mail report.

They help each client of the Company find out about the status of his/her application for grid connection of a facility to electric grids of the Company. A client submits documents and receives a notice: “Application registered”. For further information, application number will be “tied” to the mobile phone number or email address at the applicant’s request.

After MOESK specialists prepare specifications and contract for signing, the mobile phone or e-mail of the applicant will receive the message: “Specifications approved”.

Further, if the connected capacity exceeds 670 kW, the customer will receive the message: “Coordination with the System Operator”.

In the event of connecting energy units with the capacity exceeding 8,900 kW inclusive and at the voltage level exceeding 35 kV, an individual tariff is applied. It is approved by a separate resolution of the regulatory body. In this case, the applicant shall notified by the message: “The application for establishment of the individual amount of payment is sent to the regulatory authority”.

All incoming messages are free-of-charge for customers.

The services SMS-notification and email report are designed for convenience of customers as part of the New Grid Connection Standards. The customer service quality improvement program of MOESK implies a whole series of activities that will enhance accessibility of the grid connection process. Clients’ visits to the grid company will be minimized in the future.

MOESK customers can get comprehensive information on any matter related with grid connection by “hot line” 8 (800) 700-40-70 or portal on grid connection: http://utp.moesk.ru/.