
Another Customer Service Center (CSC) will be opened in Moscow by JSC “MOESK”. A comfortable center will work in the middle of the year at the address: 15, 1812 Goda Street, where the branch of MOESK – “Western Electric Grids” is located.

The new CSC will work on the “one-contact” principle. Clients (legal entities and individuals) will be able to obtain here all services on execution of documentation for connection to the grids of JSC “MOESK” and connection of energy receiving devices.

The Center will be able to receive up to two hundred visitors a day. For the convenience of customers, an electronic queue will be implemented, which would enable reception of applicants in calm and positive atmosphere. For convenience and for the purpose of assistance to applicants in preparation of documents, an administrator will work in the hall.

Today the customer service division of the western branch of MOESK can receive 50-70 clients per day. Total number of people who addressed the Western Electric Grids during the last year is nearby 20,000. They submitted 9,045 applications for grid connection (GC) to the grid. This year, the dynamics of submitting applications for grid connection has a steady upward trend. Based on the results of two and a half months of work this year, heir number amounted to 596, the requested capacity was 23 MW.

According to Roman Pekurov, deputy chief of the grid connection administration of the Western Electric Grids, opening of a new customer service center will be an important step in the effort to improve the company's relations with each applicant.

The customer-oriented strategy of JSC “MOESK” is aimed to increase responsibility to consumers, development of services. Today the company successfully implements “5 steps for 3 visits” program which allows a significant reduction in the number of applicants’ face-to-face visits to the company’s client offices and a significant reduction in the time of issuing documents from the moment of submitting an application to obtaining of a permit for grid connection. MOESK’s plans include implementation of new services using modern information technologies (such as informing customers about the status of affairs through sms-notification).