
Within the framework of the campaign “Honest Kilowatt”, energy specialists of JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” escalate fighting against electricity theft. Another unannounced inspection aimed to uncover energy theft, which was organized by the security unit of JSC “MOESK”, was held yesterday, 19 March, in the Istra District with participation of specialists of the transport division (the Western Electric Grids), representatives of JSC “Mosenergosbyt”, ECD (Economic Crime Department) staff, police, journalists.

Energy specialists found an illegally constructed power line in the village of Rumyantsevo during the inspection. Using unauthorized connection, a small commercial enterprise that is trading in building materials, as well as a hut inhabited by workers and their families were powered. During examination of the premise rooming, among others, small children, the district police officer found signs of fire. Unauthorized connection to electric grid, which was performed in violation of all existing safety rules, put at threat lives of these “residents” repeatedly. After that, the specialists drew up a report on non-contractual electricity consumption. According to estimates made in accordance with the section of wire, the fine figure was quite impressive. Thus, the volume of consumed electricity was 360,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh), and the energy thief will pay more than a million of rubles. After registration of the documents, the energy specialists dismantled the “illegal wire”. Then the participants of the unannounced inspection went to the village Grebenki. Entering the residential settlement, everybody was astonished at the impertinent manner of energy theft. Unauthorized connection of a transformer substation feeding Grebenki dwellers was performed very efficiently. In such a manner, the “author” of the wrong-doing energized a building products warehouse, paving slabs manufacturing shop and roadside cafe. According to the prepared documents, the searcher for free electricity will have to pay around two million rubles.

Zhanna Konstantinova, chief of the Istra Site of the Western Branch of Electricity Transportation, commented on the situation, “All legal entities that operate in the Istra District, have been entered into the database of our service. With participation of the security unit of JSC “MOESK”, we perform both scheduled and unannounced inspections of electrical equipment operation and electricity metering tools of enterprises. The work with problem users having no electricity supply contract is characterized by a particular sequence of actions. I would like to note that we track each offender and control its subsequent actions. Many of them become more conscious and apply to the grid organization for legal connection.”

According to the data of the Western Electric Grids – the branch of JSC “MOESK”, more than two hundred and thirty similar unannounced inspections were held by the company’s people for the first two and a half months of this year. 80 reports on unauthorized consumption of 1 million 887 thousand kW-hours were prepared for the amount of RUR 5 million 773 thousand, which equals electricity consumption of 4,015 apartments during 2.5 months, or a 22 nine-storey houses or one large regional center. Besides, 54 reports for 337.7 kW-hours for undocumented consumption were prepared for the first two and a half months of this year.

The activities are supported by the information and explanation campaign “Honest Kilowatt” held by JSC “MOESK and approved by the governor of the Moscow Area.