
As part of the continuation and improvement of issuing non-financial statements, and in order to increase transparency of the Company, JSC “MOESK” is working to create a sustainable development report for the year 2012. This is the sixth report of the Company on the basis of international standards for non-financial reporting GRI and AA1000S. The priority topics in the Report will include provision of reliability and regularity of electricity supply, increased customer focus, fight against corruption and effective human resources management.

Within the framework of preparation of the Report, on 15 March, JSC “MOESK” arranged a dialogue with related parties on the topic “Production Safety Management”. The goal of this event was collection of offers and requests of interested parties in respect of information disclose in the Report to improve its quality.

Besides the Company’s employees, the meeting hosted representatives of the State Labor Inspectorate, Rospotrebnadzor (Federal Service for Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare), representatives of public organizations and scientific-research centers in the field of production safety, representatives of the Moscow Regional Electric Power Industry Trade Union, representatives of the expert community in the field of non-financial reporting, and other interested parties. The meeting in the dialogue format allowed the participants to analyze the situation of industrial injuries and production safety management in JSC “MOESK”, discuss system measures taken by the Company to reduce occupational injuries, as well as disclosure of the subject in the Report.

The first part of the event consisted of presentations delivered by the management of JSC “MOESK”. A series of the company representatives’ speeches was opened by Vladimir Kuzhilin, director of the organizational design and human resources department, who told the participants about the general concept of the sustainable development report of JSC “MOESK” for 2012. After that, Valeriy Eroshin, deputy technical director for production control and production safety spoke about the production safety management system in the Company. The production safety in JSC “MOESK” is defined as a state of protection of interests of the Company, its employees, contractors’ staff and public from fire, accidents, incidents at hazardous production facilities, environmental disasters related with production activities of the Company. The basis of the policy of JSC “MOESK” in occupational safety, professional health and security consists in the requirements of the international standard “Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Scheme” OHSAS 18001:2007 and State Standard 12.0.230-2007

According to the participants’ responses, the unprecedented openness of JSC “MOESK” was featured in the report by Natalia Shatalova, director of the production safety department. Natalya Alexeyevna analyzed the situation in the field of occupational injuries in the Company, presented the results of the work in this field. “A comprehensive approach to identify and eliminate the causes of injuries is needed to solve this problem,” Natalia Shatalova said. “We continue to identify and analyze risks, work not just on actual basis, but in the field of prevention, develop and implement measures to eliminate risks or reduce their level.” The costs for labor protection measures in JSC “MOESK”, namely, provision of employees with personal protective equipment, accident prevention, general improvement of working conditions, amounted to RUR 383,300,000 in 2012.
In the second part of the event, the representatives of related parties formulated requests for information disclosure in the annual report for the year 2012. They expressed their wish to see data on the number of certified workplaces, statistics on micro traumas of employees, dynamics of occupational traumas during previous years, analysis of industrial safety incidents and other things in the report.
Summing up the meeting, Vladimir Kuzhilin, director of the organizational design and human resources department stressed that such a dialogue was held for the first but not the last time. The Sustainable Development Report is an important document that promotes a positive image of the Company, attraction of customers, and most importantly - increases degree of participation of employees in the life of the work team. The 2012 report will contain JSC “MOESK’s” vision of its contribution to the economic development of the Moscow Region, preservation of decent working conditions, provision of reliable and uninterrupted power supply to consumers, etc. A few more meetings with interested parties and public hearings are planned to be held in order to ensure disclosure of the Company’s results comprehensively and objectively. Only after this, the sustainable development report of JSC “MOESK” will be finally generated.