
JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” (MOESK) continues to perform actions to improve service quality and availability of grid infrastructure.

Since 25 February 2013, the period of time for implementation of activities under the grid connection agreement significantly shortened for certain categories of applicants.

For applicants in Moscow, including the territory of “New Moscow”, the maximum capacity of power receiving devices (PRD) of which does not exceed 150 kW inclusive (with previously connected ones in the given connection point of PRD), regardless of the category of reliability, performance of all activities on the grid connection agreement carried out within the period, which does not exceed 100 days from the date of signing the agreement.

No more than 30 days from the date of the agreement conclusion will be required to connect the applicants, the maximum capacity of PRD of which is up to 15 kW inclusive, provided that implementation of the agreement does not require from JSC “MOESK” measures for construction or reconstruction of electric grid facilities.

New standards for grid connection to the electricity grid and customer relations are introduced in JSC “MOESK” as from the third quarter of the last year. During this time, the connection process has become transparent and available for consumers: the time of consideration of documents has been reduced, the number of clients’ visits to the company’s office has been reduced, interactive services have been introduced. Client can received answers to the questions of interest by calling a single contact center 8 (800) 700-40-70, or by turning to the website of JSC “MOESK”, which has a portal on grid connection.