
059.jpg060.jpgThe VII All-Russian Conference “Ecology and production. Development prospects of environmental protection economic mechanisms” took place from the 29th of March till the 01st of April 2013 in Saint-Petersburg in association with the Federation Council, the State Duma of RF, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of RF, international ecological organizations.

The main work directions of the conference were studying the organizations’ experience in solving of the issues of regulatory and legal support development of environmental protection system of the Russian Federation and improvement of state regulation in the sphere of environmental protection. The participants considered ecological problems of industrial enterprises and experience of foreign countries in the sphere of ecology.

In the frames of forum the results of competition “100 best organizations of Russia. Ecology and environmental management” were summed up. JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” is recognized as the competition’s award winner, honored with the golden medal and diploma.

The independent public council estimated highly the work of JSC “MOESK” regarding the issues of environmental protection activity, reduction of negative influence on the environment. The Company’s Director General P.A. Sinyutin was presented with the certificate and the badge of honor “The ecologist of the year – 2013”.

JSC “MOESK” was honored in special international nomination with “Golden branch of the planet” for the contribution to the balanced ecosystem preservation. The winner of this nomination was determined by international organization of parliamentarians for the balanced environment “GLOBE-International”. The main activity goal of the mentioned organization – efforts support of the world leaders in solving the issues, tied with the climate state and power safety.