
Specialists of JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” (MOESK) have provided a stable power supply of the consumers during the past May holidays. Within the period from the 30th of April to the 6th of May and from the 8th of May to the 13th of May no significant malfunctions of the electric grid equipment of MOESK were fixed. Technological disturbances which had appeared were eliminated within maximally tight deadlines, using all the involved and reserve capacities.

Special control of the energy facilities’ function was carried out in all the branches of MOESK in days off and holidays. Close cooperation was established with the operational situation center JSC “Russian Grids”, as well as with the territorial security bodies, internal affairs bodies, bodies of Civil defense and emergency situations, local authorities.

Besides that from the 12th of May the work of the Company’s subdivisions has been carried out in a high alert regime owing to a significant temperature rise of the outside air.

Employees of MOESK are equipped with a necessary emergency store of materials, safety products and special machinery. Emergency response drills, including trainings in fire safety reinforcement at the electric grids’ facilities are held regularly for the Company’s personnel, the working capacity of the automatic fire protection systems is checked.