
On the threshold of the 68th anniversary of the Great Victory, a memorial to the participants of the holding battles for Moscow of year 1941 has been opened in village Ivanovskoye of Volokolamsk district. The memorial is installed by a communal grave of the warriors of the 318th rifle division of Panfilov and seamen of the 64th Pacific sea team. The power engineers of the Western Electric Grids (WEG) – branch of JSC “MOESK” took a voluntary patronage under a place creation of the remains’ burial of over 800 soldiers.


The following people took part in the solemn opening ceremony: temporarily in charge governor of Moscow region Andrey Vorob’yev, director of branch of MOESK – WEG Alexander Yakunin, as well as veterans, home front workers, citizens who are not indifferent to the motherland’s history.

Within the framework of the improvement of the memorial’s adjoining territory, the power engineers created a plant hedge from hundreds of coniferous trees, put in plants on the flowerbeds, the street light poles have been installed around the perimeter of the military burials.

Head of the Moscow region congratulated all the gathered people on the forthcoming holiday, having specified that the act of bravery of the Great Patriotic War’s veterans brings up the best patriotic feelings at the Russian youth.

Director of the Western Electric Grids Alexander Yakunin commented by the following way upon the power engineers’ participation in the memorial’s erection: “Remembrance on our history’s lessons should be born in our hearts through the centuries as if it were a relay race. Today we must prove not only with a word but also in practice to what extent we honor the act of bravery of the heroes-winners. They fulfilled honorably their holy duty – preserved and strengthened the government, defended the freedom and independence of the country. Now it’s our turn to do it”.