
In the south of Moscow region a reconstruction of 110 kV high-voltage lines “Chagino-Bolyatino” and “Yubileynaya – Kraskovo” is being continued. The project was started in year 2008. It included a renovation of high-voltage lines (OL) in the territory of Leninskiy district of Moscow region: 110 kV OL “Chagino-Bolyatino”, “Chagino-Yubileynaya”, “Yubileynaya – Kraskovo”, “Kraskovo- Bolyatino”, “Nekrasovka- Kraskovo 1,2”.

Over RUR 275 mln were allocated to implement this investment project.

On the whole, according to a technical design specification, a substitution of the anchor and intermediate poles, line hardware, a wire by wire AS-240 must be made in an area of over 12.5 km. Hanging of a fiber-optic communication line built-in in lightning protection cable of type OKGT is being also implemented on the overhead power transmission lines, which will make it possible to provide a high transmission capacity of the communication line, when providing its reliability and useful life.

For the expired period the design and survey works have been carried out, the equipment and materials have been delivered. Towards the current year’s beginning 60% of the planned construction has been already implemented. For the time being, a reconstruction of 110 kV OL with the total length of 3.5 km is to be completed. A planned term of the works completion – is the 4th quarter of 2013.

Investment program of year 2013 of branch of JSC “MOESK” – Southern Electric Grids includes also such large facilities of reconstruction of the high-voltage power transmission lines, as: 110 kV OL “Pakhra – Aparenki”, “Serpukhov – Zapovednik”, “Zapovednik – Puschino”, “Streletskaya – Puschino”, “Kashira – Streletskaya 1,2”, “Krutyshi – Setovka”, “Kashira – Aleevo”, “Lesnaya – Letovo”. To implement these arrangements they plan to assimilate over RUR 242 mln this year.

All the complex of the works carried out on the whole will make it possible to increase the power