
Branches of JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” (MOESK) are ready to pass the thunderous season. The Company implements annually the plan of arrangements in the electric grids of MOESK in order to provide a continuous power supply of the consumers and to reduce the terms of troubleshooting.

Within the framework of preparation to passing the thunderous period of year 2013, the specialists of MOESK have carried out in advance the planned inspections of the substations, crossing points and power transmission lines. A special attention was paid to the facilities’ standing and their readiness in the event of a would-be thunder stroke – lightening protection. The thorough checking of the electric grids’ insulation standing took place in the districts with the contaminated atmosphere. Following the inspections’ results a plan-schedule of the detected deficiencies’ and violations’ elimination has been drawn up.

Power engineers install the protection means against lightning overvoltage for the reliable functioning of the high-voltage equipment of the substations, that of the overhead and cable lines: on 35-220 kV grids of MOESK and in the districts of 6/10-0.4 kV distribution grids. Equipping of the new facilities with the modern protection means against overvoltage – is one of the requirements for their commissioning.

Besides that within a prethunderstorm period the electrical machinery’s diagnostics is carried out annually, in particular the diagnostics of the grounding devices at the substations of over 25 years old subject to the requirements of electromagnetic compatibility. Such diagnostics is also made after repair and reconstruction of the substations aimed at preventing of would-be damages of the electrical equipment against short circuits and to reduce the number of failures of the relay protection devices. In year 2013 the diagnostics of the grounding devices will be made at 38 substations of MOESK.

List of the key arrangements at 35-220 kV facilities includes the following things: a substitution of 79 km of the protective earth wire on high-voltage lines; the installation of 180 phases of over voltage suppressors at the substations; heat monitoring of 280 electric grid facilities of OL and substations. A technical examination of 53 power transformers of 110-220 kV will be also performed, which have worked off a standard service life of 25 years. Totally approximately RUR 57.5 mln will be directed to the specified arrangements fulfillment.

Electro measuring and testing equipment of the mobile laboratories of MOESK has been prepared to the function within the period of the thunderous season. An emergency reserve of the equipment and accessories meant to carry out repair and recovery works has been checked. An additional instructing and trainings of the operating personnel are being held as regards the faults localization at overhead PTL.

Thunderous period in the Moscow region’s territory lasts from the middle of April to the middle of October.