
012_2705.jpgBranch of JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” – “Southern Electric Grids” (SEG) continues the reconstruction of 110 kV substation (SS) “Krasnogorka” in the Podolsk District.

The feeding center was built in 1993 for power supplying of one of the districts of Podolsk town – Krasnaya Gorka and its active development is still going on nowadays. Before the end of the current year it is planned to complete the construction of multifamily houses’ micro-district with the gross residential area of nearly 35 000 sq. meters and put in operation about 2 500 sq. meters of non-residential premises for the social infrastructure development. The site development in question is rather important in terms of the program implementation, related to resettlement people from ramshackle and failing housing, being under the auspices of Acting Governor of the Moscow Region Andrey Vorob’yov.

It makes perfect sense that the feeding center modernization and the new capacity introduction have been required for such a large-scale construction.

By now, design and survey works on the substation reconstruction have been carried out, the major equipment has been installed, including two triple-wound transformers TDTNН 40000/110/10/6. The 110 kV outdoor switchgear (OS) portals, oil receivers and steel structures for 110 kV cubicles were installed.

Within the frame of JSC “MOESK” investment program, this year at the substation two power transformers of 25 MVA capacity will be replaced by two ones with the capacity of 40 MVA each, 110 kV oil circuit breakers – by SF6 breakers, 110 kV disconnectors, changing the arrangement of 110 kV outdoor switchgear, – by two busbar systems.

011_2705.jpgIn order to perform works on replacement of the power transformers and transition of 110 kV overhead line (OL) to the reinstalled switching devices without transit loss the system of the substation’s temporary power supply by means of mobile modular substation MMPS–110/10(6)-25-У1 with the capacity of 25 MVA was developed and used. It was provided to SEG for temporary use by another branch of MOESK – Central Electric Grids. Such technology, related to the substation’s power supply back-up for providing uninterruptable delivery of electric energy in the course of reconstruction, has been applied for the first time in the territory of the Moscow region.
It is expected that the entire package of measures on SS 110 kV “Krasnogorka” reconstruction will be accomplished by the end of 2013.

As a result, the capacity of SS will grow by nearly 60 % that will make it possible to connect new power customers. It stands to reason that the feeding center upgrading will make a positive contribution to reliability and quality of power supply to customers, all socially important and industrial facilities of the Podolsk District of the Moscow area.