
Branch of JSC “MOESK” – Western Electric Grids carried out large-scale training, at which joint actions while elimination of consequences of emergency situations under conditions of rough weather were mastered. Organizers created conditions, which were maximum realistic. Odintsovo district was chosen for emergency actions mastering. It is there where a great number of socially important facilities are situated; population achieves approximately 320 thousands of people.

010.jpgAfter information receipt from the enterprise’s operator about the fact that as a result of inclement weather conditions mass cut-offs of consumers from electric supply took place, two emergency response centres began to work. One of them started working in Odintsovo district of electric grids headed by Head Aleksandr Seryozhin. General management of electric power supply restoration was performed by the branch’s centre headed by Chief Engineer of Western Electric Grids Viktor Ivanov. Special commission followed closely the course of command team exercises with the following members: Head of operations control centre of JSC “Mosenergosbyt”, Head of Department of preparedness activity of “Civil Defense and Emergency Situations” of JSC “MOESK” and Chief Judge, Deputy Technical Director of JSC “MOESK” – Head of Department of Grid Management Centre” – Vsevolod Ivanov.

Liquidation of technological disturbance at electric power facility, which is close to emergency situation, was mastered while the training. Emergency and restoration works were complicated by hard wind (up to 20 meters per second), followed by heavy rain and hail. After inflammation of the cubicle at 110/6 kV SS “Sushkinskaya” and cut-off of110 kV and 35 kV overhead electric power transmission lines (OL) with blackout of two 110 kV substations (SS)” Karinskaya”, “Dud’kovo” and 35 kV SS “Polushkino”, state of affairs passed into the category of emergency situation. Heads of administration of Odintsovo municipal district, subdivisions of State Institution of Moscow region “Mosoblpozhspas”, police were engaged in the trainings.

009.jpgTo restore electric power supply of cut-off socially important facilities 9 mobile substations (MSS) with the total capacity of 1,810 kVA were immediately directed. 14 teams of Western Electric Gris, 10 teams from contractor organizations and free-lance emergency response subdivisions were engaged in works. More than twenty items of special machinery were engaged. Temporary information centre was working on the basis of United District of Electric Grids to inform about the course of emergency restoration works, possible cut-offs of electric power, approximate terms of electric power supply restoration.

By joint efforts of power engineers, representatives of municipal authorities, subdivisions of Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense “Mosoblpozhspas”, police it was managed to fulfill all set goals. Electric power supply of 54 urban settlements, 20 socially important facilities, two rest houses and population in the amount of 8,871 people, de-energized as a result of technological disturbance, was completely restored to the full extent and in time, given by the regulations.

Summing up the arrangement’s result, Vsevolod Ivanov estimated high the work of centres. “Power engineers of Western Electric Grids both at training drills and in real events mode proved their mastership and high level of professionalism more than once”, - he pointed out.

Command staff exercises are held not for the first time in the branch. In order to master interactions skills, personnel’s emergency response actions, staff professional preparedness such trainings were organized in Naro-Fominsk, Volokolamsk, Mozhajsk districts of electric grids.