
Letter of gratitude from LLC “TNK-BP Marketing” was received to the address of Director General of JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” Pyotr Sinyutin.

In the appeal, which was signed by Head of assets management Larisa Zarya, a gratitude was expressed to personnel of Moscow Cable Grids and personally to Deputy Head of the branch for capital construction Nikolay Karpukhin for well coordinated work of all subdivisions, engaged in rendering of services of grid connection of power receiving devices of fuel filling station complex “Preobrazhenskaya” to electric network of JSC “MOESK”.

The sender also points out in the letter operational efficiency and high professional work level of power engineers, which laid two cable grids with the length of 240 meters just in ten days. Herewith 40 meters was enclosed passage, when cable is laid with the use of horizontal directional drilling method.

“The branch’s personnel executes permanently with responsibility partner liabilities according to agreements of grid connection, - MCG’s Director Leonid Mazo commented the letter. – The enterprise makes its work in strict accordance with new standards in respect of grid connection, accepted in the Company. Herewith we do not reckon off the difficulty of performance of single agreements, what is specially estimated by our clients”.