
Moscow Cable Grids (MCG) – branch of JSC “MOESK” will allocate more than RUR bln 2.5 for a repair program execution of 2013. Arrangements are held with the aim to increase quality of the transmitted electric power, as well as to provide reliability and uninterrupted electric power supply of the Company’s clients.

Управление МКС.jpgAnnual Complex Program stipulates also repair and restoration works of buildings and constructions in the line of repair and restoration service, for realization of which approximately RUR mln 385 will be spent. Works on front faces and rolled roofings repair of transformer substations are included in this sum. For the period from the end of March till May of the current year repairs at more than 1,100 power facilities of MCG are already made. At tens of substations complex construction repair is made, including internal repair and repair of pavement and roofing. Reinforcement of bars, plates of combined roofing, building envelopes is performed.

Totally in 2013 renewal of more than 2,440 facilities is planned by the Program of repairs of front faces of district and transformer substations (DSS and TSS)

“The executed work, apart from solving of practical issues, has also great esthetic importance, - Director of Moscow Cable Grids Leonid Mazo points out. – Methodical work on improvement of yards is held in the capital, the city builds children’s playgrounds and lays out park squares. MCG’s power engineers while formation of this program for the current year, synchronized it with the city plans”.

According to plans of JSC “MOESK” branch’s management, all DSS and TSS will be repaired with a view to architectural features of the capital’s districts. This will allow preserving unique historical image of the centre of Moscow. Special attention will be paid to repair of transformer substations, which are situated close to pedestrian areas. Besides it, MOESK engages professional artists for design of substations. List and position of the facilities of Moscow Cable Grids, which will be included in the project of the capital’s complex space transformation, is determined at the moment.

Main volume of the works will be performed in the second and third quarters. Currently execution of repair program in MCG is held according to the approved plans, or ahead of them.