
Employees of Moscow United Electric Grid Company demonstrated their professional skills in the contest “Moscow craftsmen – 2013”, which was organized by Department of Fuel and Energy Economy of Moscow. This year contest between participants was held in the following nominations “Electrician”, “Electric welder”, “Digger operator”, “Driver of emergency restoration crew”. Also out-of-competition nomination “AutoLady” was established. MOESK represented per one participant for nominations “Digger operator” and “AutoLady”.

Competitive part of the contest began from dress parade of participants. They were greeted by organizers, judges and rooters.

By the end of ceremonial opening of competitions digger operators entered the contest for the title of winner. After drawing lots and theoretical stage they had to show their skills on practice. Contest organizers did not pity participants and invented complicated trials for them. Operators of heavy vehicles should drive bank to bank in reverse gear in constrained urban conditions, move a log with a scoop and place it on narrow supports. The most exciting moment of the contest of engine operators became closing of match-box with the help of digger’s scoop. Spectators observed with acute fascination skilled movements of participants. Each of them performed the trick with match-box incredibly skillfully, so that profane spectators supposed that there was nothing to do it.

103-22.jpgIn the contest of digger operators JSC “MOESK” was represented by employee of the branch “Moscow Cable Grids” Nikolay Smirnov. According to lot he demonstrated dexterity with the slow vehicle under the eleventh number. In spite of buck fever Nikolay acted worthily. Large-tonnage digger under his operation played with incredible lightness on the ground, and the match-box was closed at one dash. It should be noted that not all contest participants managed to deal with this complicated task on the first try.

After heavy and “clumsy” digger left the ground, instead of it 13 cars, decorated with balloons and bows of participants of contest “AutoLady”, drove out gracefully. While preparation of their cars each of the participants tried to reflect her individuality, character and attitude to life: “carriage of Cinderella”, “Baba Yaga’s stupa” and so on. Girls lined up their transport vehicles on the ground so that all spectators could enjoy the beauty of the happening, and judges could estimate appearance and accuracy of lights work of the cars. After demonstration of their cars ladies came to practical stage.

Girls’ tasks, of course, were not so complicated as men’s ones – digger operators, but it was pleasure to watch competitors. AutoLadies demonstrated parking skills to garage in reverse gear, speed passage of circle distance and skills to drive a car on narrow trace. Not all participants managed to deal with the route passage without mistakes. But small misfortunes did not mar general effect from competitions.

104-22.jpgCharming employee of department of documentation support of grid connection Svetlana Zheleznyakova represented JSC “MOESK” in nomination “AutoLady”. Competitor from MOESK received “lucky” thirteen starting number. By the way it was also the last. It is extremely difficult to act after all competitors. Excitement grows, nerves are strained to the limit and judges are already tired. But neither excitement nor mysticism of the starting figure impeded Svetlana from showing masterful skills in a car driving. In spite of small driving experience she managed to pass contest distance beautifully and without serious mistakes.

The passed competitions became “trial of strength” for employees of JSC “MOESK”. They did not manage to show high results, but it is the right case, when not the victory but participation is important. Competitors from MOESK got invaluable experience of acting on such competitions. This will give possibility to prepare better in the next year and contest head-to-head with strong competitors.