
Depositphotos_3290192_La.JPGFor the past time cases, when fraudsters on behalf of JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” (JSC “MOESK”) propose to consumers grid connection services of their facilities to the Company’s networks, became frequent.

Great work on detection of such unlawful acts is performed by Department of Economic Safety and Anti-Corruption Enforcement of JSC “MOESK”. Thus, in May of the current year according to the department’s materials law enforcement authorities initiated criminal proceedings according to part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of RF (fraud in especially big amount) against a citizen, who under pretence of grid connection services rendering fabricated and submitted false documents to organization-customer.

In the course of examination Department of Economic Safety and Anti-Corruption Enforcement of JSC “MOESK” discovered that the fraudster received for this RUR 3,500,000 in cash from the customers, and pointed out in the receipt, that money were received for the work, tied with grid connection to networks.

JSC “MOESK” recommend citizens not to use services of persons in question while application submitting for grid connection, and to appeal directly to client service centers (CSC). Addresses and work time of centers can be found on web-page www.moesk.ru. At the moment more than 30 CSC are working in the Company, in the nearest future only in Moscow three more client service centers will be opened.

Beware of fraudsters! Consider this: hotline is working in MOESK. If You faced the facts of violations or corruption, call 8 (495) 983-16-41.