
The first Internet store has started its work on the website of JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” (MOESK) in section named as “Ancillary Services”, which allows fulfilling online orders of the required items.

At present it operates at the premises of the branch “Central Electric Grids”. For the convenience of customers and availability of information on ancillary services the new service will be developed in future in all the branches of the energy company.

In order to take the opportunity to make an online order of ancillary services on the website of JSC “MOESK”– www.moesk.ru, it is necessary to select the section “For customers/Ancillary Services” and click link “Central Electric Grids”.

Further – in directory, contained the list of the provided services, one may be acquainted with the detailed information on the service description, price, illustrations, references to the legislative acts and forms of documents needed for making contracts.

The branch’s manager receives the completed online application and in case of necessity specifies with a customer the order details, and then sends the appropriate document package being needed for the contract conclusion.

“There is no doubt that it will be required to elaborate the pilot use case further, – noted Director of the branch Central Electric Grids Roman Voinov. – The first step has been made, and the system will be improved. The experience of our branch will be taken into consideration and used for the given service further development within the whole company. Besides, I would like to emphasize that innovations give evidence of a high degree of “MOESK” client-oriented approach in all directions of their activity”.