
“Moscow United Electric Grid Company” provided delivery of electrical capacity for the comprehensive city program implementation aimed at fitting the capital center with parkomats (automated parking systems). All the works were performed by the branch of JSC “MOESK” – Moscow Cable Grids.

It will be recalled that the equipping of the streets within Boulevard Ring with unattended payment terminals and information boards has been commenced since April of 2013. The electric grid company issued performance specifications in due time for each connection point and carried out its part of the work. Total capacity of about 200 kW was required to implement the given program.

The power engineers of Moscow Cable Grids successfully tackled the tasks assigned by the city authorities. Moreover, the comprehensive approach to the issue concerning the parkomats and information boards power supply was ensured. Apart from the safe and continuous power supply for car parkings, the engineering solutions were found to preserve the architectural look of the capital center as well. The equipment does not disturb the originality of the ancient Moscow side streets and does not hamper the aesthetic environment perception. The specialists assume that the paid parking arrangement will make the tight streets freer and will help to avoid the traffic jams in the center of the capital.

It is to be recalled that the parkomat equipping experiment has been commenced since 01.11.2012 on the base of the Moscow Government’s resolution on payments collection for car parking in twenty streets in the center of Moscow. The streets were the extent of the Garden Ring, Bol’shaya and Malaya Dmitrovka, Neglinnaya Street, Tsvetnoy Bul’var. More than 500 parking spaces were arranged, 10 parkomats and 520 vacant places recording sensors were installed in the Central Administrative District. The given project was a pilot one. As early as December of 2012 the Moscow authorities recognized that the experiment was a success.