
JSC “MOESK” was invited by the Department for Fuel and Energy Economy of Moscow to participate in the fourth city exhibition “Occupational Safety in Moscow – 2013”, which was held at Expocenter Central Exhibition Complex in the period from June 5 till June 7. The exhibition was organized by the Moscow Labour and Employment Department and the state-financed institution “Moscow City Center of Labour Conditions and Safety” within the frames of program “Labour market development and promotion of population employment in the city of Moscow for 2012-2016”.

The exhibition was targeted at attraction of communities of professionals and the Moscow companies to the healthy and safe labour conditions creation. By participation in the exhibition, “MOESK” set themselves a number of goals. The first of them was to inform the exhibition guests and participants on charity event holding named as “Kind Electricity - to Children”, being aimed at prevention of electric traumas among the children. The visual-agitation and promotional items, which the occupational safety specialists of “MOESK” use during the electrical safety lessons conducted in the regional educational institutions, were presented at the company’s exhibition stand. Besides, the drawings of the children participated in competition “Kind Electricity – to Children” were demonstrated on multimedia screen. The company’s exhibit was very popular among the Moscow educational institutions’ representatives, willing to arrange such lessons at their schools and kindergartens, and that gives evidence of the campaign’s high pertinence and social significance.

Moreover, “MOESK” specialists presented the promotional event on the central show-floor. Chief inspector of occupational safety and health department of JSC “MOESK” branch – Eastern Electric Grids Mikhail Shvakin told about the procedure for electrical safety lessons conducting, and the branch’s power engineers demonstrated the first aid rendering methods in case of electric injury on manikin.

The second task which the company’s occupational safety specialists set themselves was an insight into colleagues’ skills and innovations in regard to protective equipment manufacturing. The given task was successfully completed since nearly all the major enterprises of the capital’s fuel and energy complex, manufacturers of the personal protective equipment, working cloths and special devices, publishers of top newspapers and magazines on occupational safety took part in the exhibition.

The third target – the company’s occupational safety best practices extension in the sphere of intercommunication - was reached as well. For the first time “MOESK” showed at the exhibition the multimedia panels designed in corporate identity for providing briefings, a corporate newsletter on safety and health regulations “Occupational Safety in “MOESK””, and a corporate film on occupational safety.

“The three products serve for our employees and contractors’ awareness raising with regard to safety requirements, - explained Igor’ Makukha, Head of occupational safety service of JSC “MOESK”. – In future it is planned to purchase and equip the classrooms, occupational safety corners and safety rooms with such multimedia panels. The given panels will help to conduct briefing with the help of visual materials demonstration that will allow enhancing the personnel’s safety at our facilities”.

JSC “MOESK” was awarded a diploma of the Moscow Labour and Employment Department as an active exhibition participant.