
The work on implementation of the business asset management system has been conducting in JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” (MOESK). The project is included in the list of priorities for the year. Approximate timescale for the system startup is November of 2013.

An automated database, being created by “MOESK” specialists, will make it possible to perform planning and control over 0,4-500 kV equipment technical condition in a more efficient and qualitative manner, as well as to evaluate reasonability of its further repair and renewal. The relevant software will be based on so called ERP-system (Enterprise Resource Planning).

One of the “MOESK” major projects has been realizing on a step-by-step basis. So far, the responsible contractors have been defined, and a task team has been formed. The equipment ratings and performance specifications are entered into the database. Totally, more than 900 people of the Company’s operating, engineering and technical personnel are engaged in the project works. According to “MOESK” expert estimates, totally more than 2.9 mln. of the equipment items (about 25 mln. of parameters) will be entered into the database.

The given project expediency has been proved within the frames of an earlier “pilot” executed at the premises of JSC “MOESK” branch - Western Electric Grids. The business asset management procedure testing has been carried out in the branch since December of 2012 till March of 2013.

“By scope of tasks in hand, number of engaged contributors and structural subdivisions the database being created is unique and has had no counterparts in “MOESK’ before. The asset management system introduction will allow to set priorities more accurately when developing operational programs, – clarifies Nikita Dement’ev, Deputy Technical Director for management of electric grid asset technical state. – One of the project implementation key tasks is to mitigate the risks associated with equipment failure, which means social and economic consequences, for both consumers and the Company. Moreover, the database establishes ideal conditions for transition to common information space, as well as for electronic library containing source documents: certificates, test reports, measurement records, and inspection sheets, process automation for accounting preparation, statistical information collection and analyses”.

The final database creation will make it possible to adjust an operational program of “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” for 2014 and onwards, with taking into account the equipment actual state and its failure consequences.