
Director for information technologies, strategy and business processes of JSC “MOESK” Andrey Snitsky has been recognized as one of the best business managers following the expert ranking results “The Industrial Elite of Russia - 2013”. Last year, by the similar study results, Mr. Snitsky also joined the “TOP100” of the most efficient senior managers having made a significant contribution to their enterprises, particular branch and the country’s economy in whole.

The rating is based on opinions of more than 500 experts (managers of well-known companies, consultants, analysts, representatives of authority), who assessed the enterprises’ activity by such criteria as introduction of new technologies, systematic work in the field of the Quality Management System (QMS), production system and modernization process improvement, etc.

Each of the experts was requested to name up to ten of the most deserving candidates, whom would be reasonable to put on the preliminary list. The candidates who received the highest scores were included in the final list of TOP 100 industrial managers of Russia. The managers who received the largest number of votes were included in the TOP10 list. The rest of 90 best managers are named in alphabetical order.

“MOESK” is a customer-oriented company, “hooked up” to consumers – says Andrey Snitsky. – It requires continuity and optimization both industrial processes and management activities considering also the accepted international standards. And here we have really succeeded. Much has been done, but there is much yet to do. “MOESK” quite understands the needs of domestic electric-power industry. One of the priority tasks is to improve grid connection procedure and expand the proven experience all over the country”.

The rating “Industrial Elite of Russia – Top 100 industrial managers” has been compiled since 2011 at the initiative of business portal named as “Industrial Management”.