
Branch of JSC “MOESK” Moscow Cable Grids finishes reconstruction works of power facilities on the territory of Children’s City Clinical Hospital # 13 named after N.F. Filatov.

In the current year medical institution needed additional capacity for surgical building. In response to application to electric grid company an agreement was concluded and necessary works were performed within shortest terms (power engineers proceeded with reconstruction in April). Laying of cable lines and equipment reconstruction was executed according to specifications. Owing to it in the nearest time children’s hospital will get 1 MW of capacity for its needs. As a result after execution of all the arrangements capacity will increase also for other buildings of the institution.

Capacity input will allow the customer to connect new equipment, and will also significantly increase reliability and quality of electric power supply of socially important object. The customer’s representative Chief Engineer Nikolay Yachmenev pointed out high quality and speed of agreement’s conditions execution, he thanked MCG’s power engineers for work.

We remind that children’s hospital was opened on 06.12.1842 after staff and Charter approval. It was the first children’s hospital in Moscow and merely the second hospital in the whole Russia. Since 1922 the institution bears the name of the founder of Russian pediatrics Nil Fedorovich Filatov. Today Filatovskaya Hospital is – the largest children’s hospital in Moscow, it includes 30 diagnostic and treatment departments. Chairs of Russian State Medical University have been fruitfully working since 1931 on the basis of Children’s City Clinical Hospital # 13. Modern science and practice is successfully combined here.