
Today in Central entrepreneur’s house Director General of JSC “MOESK” Pyotr Sinyutin and Chairman of the Board of Moscow city department of All-Russian Public organization of Small and Medium Business “OPORA RUSSIA” Alexander Zharkov signed Partnership Agreement.

While opening of the meeting, MOESK’s Head of pointed out that the Agreement is aimed to bring interaction of two parties on a new level, give it complex and system-related character. “Our views on electric grid complex development, improvement of grid connection procedure coincide in many ways, and it means that – MOESK and “OPORA RUSSIA” has a sufficiently wide field for partnership”, - Pyotr Sinyutin said.

The Agreement stipulates a number of perspective directions for co-operative work: effecting of coordinated actions, aimed at development of legislative and regulatory and legal base in the sphere of electric power industry and grid connection; assistance in establishment of institutes of state and public support of power industry, public-private partnership; enlargement of possibilities of entrepreneurs’ participation in development, investment and servicing of electric grid infrastructure; increase of safety, reliability and quality of electric power supply. One of the main tasks of strategic interaction is – increase of client-oriented approach and quality of consumers’ servicing by electric grid companies, assistance in accessibility increase of electric grid infrastructure for organizations of small and medium business, population, other consumers.

The Agreement determines norms of social partnership as main cooperation principles of the parties, including: equality of participants, respecting and accounting of each other’s interests, assistance in strengthening and development of social partnership, willful assumption of obligations by the parties.

Alexander Zharkov pointed out that the Agreement’s signing is – a beginning of large co-operated work of power engineers and entrepreneurs of the capital. Its main forms are also determined in the Agreement: formation of work (expert) groups with the aim to work out proposals regarding urgent issues, referred to the parties’ competence; rendering on a reciprocal basis of advisory, organizational and methodological, information and other support; conducting of joint arrangements, aimed at informing of people about urgent issues of electric power industry and grid connection to electric networks; preparation of informative materials, etc.

The fact of the Agreement’s signing, according to participants’ mutual opinion, allows to state that a foundation for actual long-term and effective work of JSC “MOESK” and Moscow city organization “OPORA RUSSIA” is laid.