
On 24.06.2013 the ceremonial opening of the Fourth complex competitions of JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” accident response personnel took place in the territory of “Gorenki” substation of Balashikhinsky distribution zone of JSC “MOESK” branch – Eastern Electric Grids. The competitions is mainly aimed at enhancement of the works quality and safety in the process of distribution grids servicing, improvement of the personnel’s professional skills, sharing of experience, implementation of new forms and methods of power-generating equipment control designed to decrease the number of disturbances and accidents.

Solemn ceremony of the competitions opening was attended by Deputy Minister of Energy of the Moscow Region Dmitry Airapetyants, representatives of administration and electric grid companies of Balashikha city district, members of power engineers’ trade union organizations and by other important visitors.

The competitions were opened by Director General of JSC “MOESK” Pyotr Sinyutin and Deputy Director General for personal management of JSC “MOESK” Nadezhda Kreneva.

Director General of JSC “MOESK” Pyotr Sinyutin in his welcoming remarks congratulated the participants on the occasion of the competitions beginning and expressed special gratitude to Eastern Electric Grids – a branch of JSC ‘MOESK” – for testing site arrangement allowing conducting the competitions at the modern substation “Gorenki”.

“The priority task of JSC “MOESK” is a reliable and continuous power supply to Moscow and Moscow Region, based on electricians’ quality workmanship. Professional competitions help to improve our skill level. May the best win!” - Pyotr Alekseevich gave good words to the competitors.

Deputy Minister of Energy of the Moscow Region Dmitry Airapetyants emphasized, in particular, that the time required for power supply interruption elimination in the Moscow Region has been reduced. He wished the personnel of JSC “MOESK” to be lucky in the competitions and successful in work.

Chairwoman of “Elektroprofsoyuz” (“Electrical Trade Union”) Svetlana Sverchkova noted: “The power engineers’ best traditions are based on competitions”. She thanked “MOESK” management for such traditions keeping.

The competitions’ Chief Judge – First Deputy Director General – Technical Director of JSC “MOESK” Anatoly Chegodaev invited for the competition flag-raising ceremony a representative of the testing site’s hosts – Chief Engineer of the branch Eastern Electric Grids Alexander Yurtaev and Chief Engineer of the branch Western Electric Grids Alexander Ivanov – a representative of the previous competition team-winner. The flag was hoisted to the strains of “MOESK” anthem, and the competitions commenced.

Five teams within four days will show and prove their professional skills. In the course of practical stages “MOESK” power engineers will demonstrate their skills in suppression of fire at Package Transformer Substation (PTS) of the transformer station, release of the injured person from electrical current impact and rendering the first aid to such person, the current transformer check-out test and other operations, which the power engineers are required to perform in emergency and standard situations.