
Branch of JSC “Moscow United Electric grid Company” – Southern Electric Grids continues reconstruction of 35 kV substation (SS) “Metallist” in Kashirsky District of the Moscow Region, which has been commenced in 2012.

Under the investment program of JSC “MOESK” for 2013, in the course of the substation reconstruction both 5,6 MVA power transformers will be replaced by two transformers with 10 MVA each. Besides, 6 and 35 kV equipment will be completely renovated.

So far, 70% of the total work scope has been performed.

At present, 35 kV equipment of power transformer T-2 installation, and also the adjustment of 6 kV grid equipment, relay protection and automation are being completed.

Installation of such state-of-the-art equipment as vacuum breakers, microprocessor-based protection and automation, fitting of SS with telecontrol devices (automated measuring and information system for electrical power fiscal accounting (AMISEPFA) will allow controlling the feeding center processes in a timely manner.

It is expected to fulfill the entire package plan by the end of 2013. The total investment will amount to RUR 72 mln.

“Metallist” substation, put into operation in 1965, is a main feeding substation located in the old part of Kashira City.

The given reconstruction will increase the substation capacity nearly 2 times, that will allow to connect new consumers and provide for electric power capacity required for the most important socially significant facilities, including JSC “Kashirsky Metal Structures and Boiler Manufacturing Plant", producing steel constructions for facilities of Sochi Olympics – 2014.

Moreover, the feeding center renovation will enhance reliability and quality of power supply to consumers of Kashirsky District of the Moscow Region.