
On July 31, a press tour was held, which was organized by the Department of the Fuel and Energy Sector of Moscow and JSC "MOESK" on the subject of ensuring reliable power supply in the capital region during the summer months. To this end, Moscow United Electric Grid Company performs a set of measures to prevent possible technological failures, particularly in the storm period and under conditions of high atmospheric air temperatures. Peculiarities of operation of power grids and energy equipment were shown at the substation 110 kV "Semyonovskaya" in the south-west of the capital. 

DSC_0166.JPGJournalists could study the operation of the latest equipment installed after reconstruction. Feeding center of 110/10 kV "Semyonovskaya" is one of the oldest currently operating power facilities of Moscow. Today, stable operation of the substation influences uninterrupted power supply of a large number of consumers in the South-Western district of the capital, with the population of over a million people and about 30 industrial enterprises. 

During the press tour, journalists' questions about the features of operation of the Moscow power grid facilities complex in summer were answered by Nugzar Gogua, deputy head of the Fuel and Energy Sector of Moscow and Roman Voinov, director of the branch of JSC "MOESK" Central Electric Grids. 

Nugzar Gogua, in particular, noted an expert approach to organizing works and carrying out renovations of feeding centers of all power supply companies, including "MOESK", "Energy specialists coordinate their technology policy with the Moscow Government, subject to growing needs and development of territories. In addition, the pace and quality of implementation of modern equipment allows us to speak about the proper chosen path of development. This is also proved by reducing in the time of consumers disconnection in the event of repair works at power facilities of the capital.” 

DSC_0174.JPGEnergy specialists of MOESK note that in the summer months, accompanied by an abrupt change of weather, risks associated with interruption of the electrical grids operation increase, the probability of occurrence of fires and lightning strikes grows. 

"The purpose of the events held is to ensure reliable operation of the electric grid equipment, as well as to create safe working environment for staff," said Roman Voinov, director of the Central Electrical Grids. He also noted that due to the modern automated equipment installed at the substation, the parameters of the feeding center are controlled by one technician only. 

In addition, in case of possible malfunctions of substation equipment, it is possible to switch consumers to the backup scheme. Similar schemes operate in all supply centers of JSC "MOESK". "The consumer may pay no attention to the switchd made, the system operates automatically, quickly and accurately responding to possible technological malfunctions of equipment", Roman Voinov concluded. 

For reference: 
In the general, within the framework of measures to prevent equipment failures in equipment during hot weather, energy specialists hold extraordinary inspections of places of overhead lines crossing the roads and various facilities. The state of oil-filled equipment of substations is controlled daily. The efficiency of the cooling systems of power transformers, including good state of impellers, fans, automatic start-up of cooling systems of power transformers, as well as state of the automatic fire suppression and fire hydrants, water levels in fire water ponds are checked. 

DSC_0191.JPGFor reliable operation of high-voltage equipment of substations, overhead lines and cable lines in the deteriorating weather, energy specialists install the means of protection against lightning surges: in grids of MOESK - 35-220 kV and in the distribution grids districts 6/10-0.4 kV. Equipping of new facilities with modern means of surge protection is one of the requirements for their putting into operation. Particular attention is paid to the state of objects and their readiness for such criteria as lightning protection. 

For possible emergencies, MOESK has prepared mobile power plants, which promptly ensure connection to electricity of socially significant consumers and life support infrastructure. 

Communication with the local authorities of the Ministry of Emergencies Management and operational headquarters is established; if necessary, cooperation with representatives of local and regional administrations is performed. 


JSC "Moscow United Electric Grid Company" (JSC “MOESK”) - one of the largest distribution electric grid companies in Russia. 

JSC "MOESK" ensures electricity supply to the Moscow Region, which is the most dynamically developing region in the country with a population of about 17 million people. Main activities of the company – electricity transmission services and services of grid connection to electric grids in Moscow and the Moscow Area. 

The controlling stake of JSC "MOESK" (51%) is owned by JSC "Russian Grids" (JSC "Rossetti"). 

JSC "Rossetti" - is Russia's largest energy company ensuring transmission and distribution of electricity 

The length of power lines of the Company is 2.3 mn km, transformer capacity of 463 thousand substations is 726 GVA. Number of the personnel of the Group of Companies "Rossetti" is 213 ths. highly skilled professionals. 

The Company's property complex includes 43 stock holdings of 43 subsidiaries and dependent entities, including shareholdings in 11 interregional and 5 regional distribution companies. The controlling shareholder is the state, which owns the stake in the charter capital in the amount of 61.7%. 

Pursuant to implementation of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, in June 2013, the RF-owned share holding of JSC “UES FGC” was transferred to the company as a contribution to its charter capital.